Trustees Wanted
We are looking for new Trustees to join Devon Historic Buildings Trust.
The Trust are looking for new Trustees to join the existing Board of DHBT.
This is an exciting time for DHBT, as we build on our past successes and move into a new era of heritage and building
conservation. We take great pride in our charitable vision to see Devon’s rich and varied built heritage restored to
the highest possible standards and cared for, with sustainable long term uses.
Our attached Recruitment Prospectus provides further information on the Trust, its objectives and includes full
details of trustee requirements.
We are seeking individuals with experience in one or more of the following areas:
Fundraising and income generation
Long term finance
Trust Governance
People management, team development
Legal knowledge
Business development (including change management, contract negotiations, business planning, service
delivery etc.) -
Project management
Marketing, public relations and communications
Education at all levels
Community engagement
Building design, technology and conservation
Apply in confidence by submitting your Curriculum Vitae/personal profile together with a brief covering letter by
email to arrive no later than Monday 2 nd July 2018.
Prospective trustees will be invited to an interview and to meet current trustees on Monday 23 rd July 2018. New
trustees who have been accepted by the Board will be invited to a Board meeting on Thursday 6 th September and
new trustees will be ratified at our AGM on Thursday 1 st November 2018.
Please send your application to Mrs Debbie Parnall, Company Secretary DHBT via haldonbelvedere@gmail.com.
Please do not hesitate to contact Debbie if you would like an informal discussion before making an application, or if
there is any further information you require on 01392 833846 (available by telephone during weekday office hours
up to Friday 22 nd June 2018)
Download Trustee prospectus
The Prospectus is in Adobe PDF format. If you require Adobe Acrobat you can download it HERE